Cocoro® are period panties, but they are much more than that. They stand for feminism, technology and sustainability. They are part of the revolution that women are fighting for to make our periods what they should be, breaking the stigma, ending the taboos.
Because Cocoro are menstrual panties that can absorb not just menstrual flow, but also vaginal discharge and slight urine leaks. Plus, they are breathable, odour-free, and machine washable.
The key lies in the combination of their technical fabrics:
Inside layer
cotton (recommended by gynaecologists).
Inner layer
hydrophilic, moisture-wicking, antibacterial and breathable fabric.
Outer layer
cotton or polyamide, depending on the model.
Choose the Cocoro panties that best suit you: for low, moderate and heavy flow.
Culottes, thongs, classic panties or packs, change the cycle in your own style!
Cambiar las reglas es cambiar una sociedad en la que mostrar sangre se ve como algo sucio, en la que una mancha en el pantalón es avergonzante, o en la que pedir un tampón o compresa es sinónimo de contrabando. Cambiar las reglas es querer generar menos residuos para cuidar el planeta, es dejar de normalizar el dolor, es tener alternativas saludables para algo que va a estar con nosotras media vida, y es no conformarse con las normas establecidas que nos piden más dinero por productos de primera necesidad.
To change the cycle is to change a society in which a stain in your pants is shameful, or in which we are embarrassed to ask for a tampon or pad in public. To change the cycle is to want to generate less waste for the planet, to cease normalizing period pain, to have healthy alternatives to something that is with us half our lives, to stop following the rules.
is already changing the cycle
We’re involved in social projects and organizations that promote gender equality.
We’re part of the Femtech movement. We research innovative technical fabrics and develop products that help improve the daily life of women.
Our products contribute to improve planet sustainability because they are locally produced and minimize the use of pads and tampons that, year after year, generate tons of non-recyclable waste.